DKAN Search
If you plan to build your data site with a Drupal theme rather than a decoupled frontend the metastore_search module provides a dataset search view that you can use as a starting point.
Metastore Facets
This is an optional module for sites that are not using a decoupled frontend. It provides example Categories, Tags, and Publishers facet blocks that you can use with the dkan_dataset_search view.
drush en metastore_facets
Use the block layout screen at /admin/structure/block, and place the facets into a sidebar region, restrict the display to the /dataset-search page only.
If you do not see the dataset search view, you will need to run the following to get the view and facets working:
composer require drupal/facets:3.0.x-dev
drush en metastore_facets
drush cim --partial --source=modules/contrib/dkan/modules/metastore/modules/metastore_search/config/install
The search view and facets are for demonstration purposes and provide a starting step for your own implementation.