Extending and Customizing DKANΒΆ

Much additional functionality can be added simply by installing one of the tens of thousands of contrib modules from the Drupal community. However, as a Drupal Distribution DKAN is a flexible framework which developers can also build off of and add to.

DKAN consists of of a distribution profile which manages the initial installation, 3rd party libraries and drupal modules, and DKAN specific modules.

Below is a simplified version of where the DKAN code sits within the fully packaged version:

      libraries/ (3rd party libraries)
         dkan/ (dkan modules)
         contrib/ (3rd party module dependencies)
      themes/ (dkan themes)
      libraries/ (your libraries)
      modules/ (your modules)
      themes/ (your themes)

After installing DKAN additional functionality should be added to the “sites” directory.

In the future, this section will feature more detailed information on developing custom extentions to DKAN. For now, read additional information about: